The army and tabks parading in Eastbourne during WWII


Programme of talks
All meetings take place at St Andrews Parish Hall.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
7:00 pm
The History of Devonshire Park

In an illustrated talk by Long Standing ELHS member, History Enthusiast and award winning local Architect, Richard Crook tells us about the evolution of Devonshire Park, from promenading to roller skating, cricket and tennis including the history of the wonderful Winter Garden and Theatres.

ELHS Member Richard Crook
Tuesday, April 1, 2025
7:00 pm
The 55th AGM of the ELHS followed by Harold William Franklin

In an illustrated talk, ELHS member Adrian Backshall will tell us all about Harold Franklin who was a toolmaker at Birds Pneumatic Engineering at Lower Willingdon and also lived at the same address in Broad Road for over 80 years.

ELHS member Adrian Backshall
Tuesday, May 6, 2025
7:00 pm
Planes, Trains and Airships

In an illustrated talk Katherine Buckland will explore Eastbourne's ties to aviation which date back as far as 1909, when the Eastbourne Aviation Company was established by Major Bernard Fowler. Katherine will shed light on the significant pioneers as well as the roll of Royal Navy Airships from Polegate patrolling the coast of East Sussex during the First World War.

Katherine Buckland
Tuesday, June 3, 2025
7:00 pm
Urban Exploration - Inside Lost Buildings

Ever wondered what was behind the façade of a beautiful yet derelict building ? Ever asked permission to have a peek and been turned down ? That's where Urban Explorers come in.... Recording through photographs the art, decay and progress of nature reclaiming what was once clean and tidy. This illustrated talk will show some amazing sites on-screen and explain why this rather bizarre (slightly illegal) hobby is of great importance to those who consider real heritage is always worth recording before it is gone.

Laurence Fisher
Meetings are held in:

St Andrew's Parish Hall
425 Seaside
BN22 7RT (along the lane beside the Arlington Arms)

Doors open at 6.45pm

Everyone welcome. Members free; visitors £2 per person.

In the event of circumstances beyond our control, such as cancellation by a speaker at short notice, we will do all we can to find a replacement.

For further information about meetings: Tel. 01323 641604